People ask me if I plan to publish another daily meditation book. While I can't answer that definitively or give a time frame, I can telI you that I still "see things" in nature, pets and other unexpected places. It didn't stop happening when I reached my goal of 366 meditations and published "Finding the Gift." I thought maybe it would?
I receive metaphors and life lessons on nearly every walk I take (if I'm tuned in and open and not on a mental hamster wheel about something else). They also come to me in the car, at the gym, in the shower and even at the grocery store, among other places. I jot them down or dictate them into my phone and file them away for later.
Recently someone on Instagram asked if I had a new daily meditation book coming out for 2019. That got me thinking. Why not share the nuggets I'm seeing as they happen instead of keeping them for my own inspiration and a future publication? They may be short and sweet and not as developed as they might appear in a book, but I'm guessing "Finding the Gift" readers won't care and will be glad for some new stories.
I don't know how often I'll send these but if the email frequency becomes too much, please send me a short note and tell me you only want to receive occasional updates. I'll make sure to take you off the main list, no hard feelings. Goodness knows our inboxes are full enough! And that's another great reason for me to keep these brief. Just the nuts and bolts of whatever was shown to me and the message I gleaned from it.
So let's get started with insight from a recent walk...
I’m out walking and listening to a song that's encouraging us to never give up. The words are repeating over and over, "Never give up, never give up." I’m struck by the fact that sometimes that’s true. We need to never give up. But there are other times we need to quit!
Quit trying to control the outcome. Quit trying to get our way. Quit trying to make life look the way that we imagined. Quit trying to make everybody act the way we think they should act. Quit trying to do everybody else’s job for them. Quit. Quit. Just quit. Quit trying to be God.
Knowing when to never give up and when to quit--AND being able to actually do the right one at the right time-- would probably lead to a very serene and fulfilled life. May we start to notice when it's time to stop trying so hard to force things beyond our control and just quit.