I had only been scanning the bigger trees, assuming that it must have fallen from a really large tree. But it actually came from a tiny tree, almost too little to notice.
It was under fifteen feet tall, with a trunk not much bigger than my wrist. The remaining over-sized leaves clinging to its branches shined and danced in all their glory. If it wasn’t for the fallen one, though, I’m not sure I would have noticed the sparse tree at all.
Pondering that giant leaf dwarfing the other leaves around it, I was taken back to seventh grade. Perpetually the new kid, I had started yet another new school that year. As usual, I was the tallest person in my class and felt so conspicuous and seen.
As an adult, I’ve wanted to shrink and hide and not intimidate others with the gifts I think I’m supposed to share. How silly would it be for the giant leafs to try to be smaller so they fit in better?
God doesn't give any of us gifts without giving us the internal means to pursue them to the highest level. The saying, “We’re not given more than we can handle,” isn’t just referring to troubles, but talents and blessings also.
No matter what we are called to do, it is important for the world and our own sense of fulfillment that we become all that we are meant to be. Sometimes that feels like too big of a stretch from where we are.
One reason we won't get more than we can handle in the way of blessings, is because we set our limits to become only as successful as we can imagine, given our self-worth. It doesn’t do a lot of good to sit in a state of longing and wanting for bigger things, while simultaneously holding the belief that we don't deserve those things.
If we want more, we have to prepare ourselves to believe those things can be ours and that we deserve it. We have to say, “Why NOT me?” And come up with answers we are willing to embrace as truth.
The origins of this gigantic leaf are also relevant for us to consider, demonstrating that where we come from doesn't have to dictate where we're going, what we become, or how big our purpose is.
I came from small beginnings too—raised by a single mom, and very familiar with food stamps, government cheese and subsidized housing. But I let that state of hunger and want fuel my drive to live differently as an adult.
Many of our best athletes come from “small trees.” Of all the young people who want to grow up to be a professional athlete, why do some of them make it big, but most do not?
Despite comparable talent, the difference for the ones who achieve that goal is a powerful imagination. They could see themselves in that role. They believed it was possible for them and they did it.
In Nashville, there are many incredibly talented people who came here hoping to make it big in the music industry. Only a handful of them will ever see any measurable level of commercial success. And it likely won’t be the most talented ones.
The person with greater imagination will outperform the ones with greater talent every single day of the week. Charisma, confidence and perceived deservedness are part of what sets them apart. These are qualities that have to be nurtured from
An athletic coach, a manager, or any other mentor can't lead a person to excellence if their personal doubt is running the show.
Is it okay to say that some of us are called to higher levels of impact, influence or achievement? It doesn’t mean one is better than another, but it’s important to acknowledge and accept that our callings and aptitudes may vary. Like the leaf I found, some people were born to live
life bigger than the other leaves surrounding them.
In the well-known Biblical story called the parable of talents, two of the workers were inherently more prepared to handle bigger blessing. Their boss knew it,
and probably everyone around them knew it. They were trusted with more and held to a higher standard for what they did with what they were given. The person in the story given the least responsibility was still important, but due to fear, and maybe comparison, they blew their opportunity to do good with what they had.
We must all rise to our fullest potential and follow the song of our heart to serve the audience we are called to serve. Whether it is an audience of one, or an audience of millions, it makes no difference. Excellence is excellence. Shining bright is shining bright.
To those who are called to stand out and serve on bigger platforms, shine on! We need you. Someone has to lead us into the future. Someone has to create tomorrow’s inventions. Someone has to dream the impossible and then go do it, inspiring others to follow.
Wherever you fall in the assignment of gifts, may you recognize your value and importance to the whole. May you take your role seriously and choose to hide no longer. If you've been playing small, choose to stand up (at the risk of being vulnerable) and let the world see you, all
of you, and experience your gifts.