Jenny has had lots of life challenges but she has taken the move in stride.
The outside cats began their relocation adventure with a bait and switch, so who can blame them for taking the drive even worse? I lured them into the garage with
wet cat food and while they were eating, one by one I grabbed them by the scruff and quickly removed them from the group so as not to set the others off. We crated them individually in the house and took them out the front door so the ones remaining in the garage were clueless of what was about to happen to them.
Our feral family repeated the same
patterns during the drive as the inside cats.There was crying, shrieking, panting, low moaning, sometimes in sync, but most of the time disturbingly overlapped—definitely not pleasant accompaniment for a long drive at night.
Same as the others, one or two would start up, they would all grow louder and louder and then gradually subside, only to
start up again a few minutes later. The power of influence was audible!
If one cat was attempting to tell the others they were scared or mad, they apparently succeeded and the next one chimed in to say that the
situation was unbearable and everyone else should also keep protesting loudly.
I wanted to drown them out with music in my ear buds, but all of a sudden, I had an idea. If influence was going to determine my sanity (or not) for the next seventy-five minutes at 10pm at night after a very long, physically-draining day, I decided I needed a positive
influencer who could speak "cat." Turns out, the internet is full of purring kitties.
I found a playlist on my music app and the first “song” was just what I was looking for, a throaty cat purring loud and long. Through positive influence, I shocked my outside kitties into sudden silence.
I imagined they must have been thinking, “Who is that?” And maybe contemplated, “Kinda sounds like so-and-so, but I’m not sure." Again, they were all in separate crates and it was dark, so they got quiet to consider having a different response to what was happening,
based on what they were hearing..
Because if so-and-so was not just okay, but was actually PURRING up a storm, then they must have decided they could suck it up and enjoy the ride, too.
Oh, joyful silence! Oh, magical purr! Oh, wonders of technology!
Occasionally one of them would decide to cry again to see if they could rally anyone else who was still not enjoying the adventure. They would let out a wail,
which would convince the others to join in, but they subsided much quicker when I raised the volume on my purr-fully positive influencer.
The outside kitties are loving the cat house, aka 'Big Cat Lodge" that my husband (and son) built for them. After three days of containment utilizing screened windows and doors for maximum sensory exposure, we
released them and they have stayed close. Successful colony move, yay!