Lessons are everywhere, even at the gym. A cardio workout recently yielded not just the physical benefits of exercise, but also sound life guidance as well.
Most of the time, I use an elliptical machine. As I increase the challenge level, I go slower because the resistance increases and it's harder to move forward. On this particular day, however, I opted to use the step mill, which is pretty much like climbing a down escalator.
The step mill is the exact opposite of the elliptical machine. When I increase the level of difficulty, the step mill goes faster, which means I have to keep up, or I’m going to fall off. Both push me to work harder, but in opposite ways.
The solution to either challenge is the same. Control my breathing, stretch beyond what’s comfortable while honoring my limits, and remember why I'm doing this in the first place. (Sanity, spiritual wellbeing and physical wellness!)
When a workout gets hard and I have the urge to quit, I remind myself that I can do anything for twenty to thirty minutes. I stay focused on the benefits and how they outweigh the momentary struggle and the dedication of time.
One of my mentors recently introduced me to the concept of “energy signatures.” For instance, when we’re happy or at ease, our bodies have a matching energy signature that may include having shoulders that are level, breathing that is relaxed, a jaw that is slightly
ajar and maybe even smiling or laughing.
Thinking about this new concept, I considered what my energy signature was like at the gym, in the midst of a physical challenge (which is probably the same as in any kind of
challenge). I found that my shoulders were tense and closer to my ears. I was a bit hunched forward. My jaw was clenched, and my breathing was short and shallow. I was grinning-and-bearing it, so to speak.
aware of this, I had to constantly remind myself to drop my shoulders, lift my chin, breathe deep and stand up tall. In no time at all, I would find myself back in constriction mode and have to self-correct again.
Why did it matter? First, I realized I wanted my posture to reflect the truth, that I chose to be there, rather than act like I was being forced to do something. Second, I found that when my energy signature was one of choice, I actually felt stronger and the workout was easier. What a powerful reminder for life!
What is your energetic signature in striving or stressful situations? How do you hold those times, literally, in your body?
Struggle shows up differently in each of us. For me, it’s my shoulders. For you, it might be a tight stomach, a clenched jaw, hands that have to fidget, or feet that can’t be still.
Notice your body language right now. What is it communicating? You may not realize it, but we are always communicating something. We can train ourselves to be as intentional with our body language as we are with our words.
You may not be able to change your circumstances, but you can always change how you are holding them.
Our posture yields power—the abundance of it, or the lack of it. It sends a signal to our subconscious
mind and emotions for how to feel. Thankfully, we are in charge of our bodies, not the other way around. The amazing thing is that we can assume a posture of how we want to feel and watch our minds and emotions follow.
Test it out right now. Relax your shoulders. Sit or stand up tall. Deepen your breathing with intention and with a posture that says, I welcome this, I chose this, I accept this, I'm up for this, I’ve got this ... or whatever statement feels most true for your situation.
Do you feel the sudden increase in confidence and “life ownership?” Do you feel your optimism increasing? Your power of choice? On a good day, my body scan won't reveal any physical constriction, and likely I'm feeling confident, hopeful and optimistic. If it's not a good day, I can align my body, mind and spirit for how I want to feel.
Which comes first, the physical posture or the emotional/spiritual posture? It may depend on the day, but it doesn't really matter. Awareness is what counts. If you tune into your energy signature and notice it’s working against your well-being, change it. Notice where you may have physical constriction
and move your body in such a way as to invite more expansion and freedom.
Before we can read our energy signatures, we first have to get back into our bodies.
Many of us have dealt with challenges through escape like drugs and alcohol, food, overspending, workaholism, worry, or other forms of busyness and distraction. These and other methods of life avoidance take us out of our bodies. We can get so disconnected from what our body
is feeling, that we don't even recognize when our bodies are stressed or relaxed, much less what that looks like in either situation.
Being able to read our bodies is a deeper level of self-integration in a
multi-tasking world where fragmentation and dissociation are more the cultural norm.
You don't have to be in the norm! You can choose mindful awareness and provide for your mind/body/spirit needs
How much better does it feel to do hard things from a relaxed place? Did the negative voice inside you just say, “Well that's just not even possible!” But it is, actually, and a physical workout is an
excellent example.
Exercise is a commitment to push ourselves out of our comfort zone, to do something that takes extra effort, for a specified length of time. Just like life situations we don’t love, we can complain the
entire time and resent the process. And when we focus on how hard it is, it gets even harder.
Or, we can continually remind ourselves why we’re doing it and what we stand to gain. This shift in focus will actually
bring greater results and make the time go faster, perhaps even more enjoyably.
For instance, I love jamming to good tunes or listening to inspiring content when I’m at the gym. Finding the Gift at the gym
definitely takes my mind off the physical challenge. The workout is over so much faster than when I’m staring at the “time remaining” count-down, focused on how hard it is, and lamenting every second.
This week, pay
attention to what your body is trying to show you. Notice what your jaw and shoulders are doing. What feelings do you have in your chest and your gut? What’s happening in your fingertips, hands, arms, and feet?
does the energy signature look in those areas when you are struggling, versus when you are calm and relaxed? Start to notice because these signs can be red flags that something needs attention, or perhaps we need an intention adjustment to reflect the truth of choice more accurately.
Whether life is going so fast it’s hard to keep up, or the resistance is getting so strong that it’s tough to move, know that the solution is the same. Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing, and what you stand to gain. An abundance of self care, prayer and meditation is always good, too. Don't forget to add in a regular posture check. Align yourself intentionally with an energy signature that will yield more
power, choice, clarity, and peace.
PS Nashville-area FTG friends: Local author/artist event THIS SATURDAY (see below). And... SCORE!
Float Nashville has seen my social posts about how much floating is helping my meditation practice and extended a referral program for my tribe! Use code FTG10 to get $10 off any visit or membership. When you love it, you can share the code! Did you miss my float
tank blogs? Catch up here! Part one, Part Two, Part Three (Simple Meditation at Home, a follow up).