Have you ever had a season in life that felt like a waste of time? Like an unnecessary detour that didn’t move you forward in ways you hoped, and maybe even seemed to hold you
I have learned time and again that what appears to be wasted time, isn’t. We may not understand why things are happening the way they are happening, when they’re happening, but life tends to show us later what
it was all about.
One small example of this occurred last week. I had been looking for my digital tablet for a few days. It had been several years since I’ve needed it, so it was stored in its box somewhere for safe
keeping. I had looked in all the expected places and then, all other possible spots, but still couldn’t find it.
Once again, I decided to go back to the area where I really thought it should be. It was like playing that
finding game where you say, “hot or cold” as clues. When I was near our office storage cabinet, I felt “hot.” But I had already gone through the entire cabinet and couldn’t find it, so it seemed like a waste of time to keep going back to it, just hoping it would suddenly appear in the places I had checked previously.
However, the “hot” feeling was persistent. I felt prompted to take all the stuff out of the cabinet on one side, including a ton of saved bags we’ll use for packing soon. I took everything out, and surprise, I didn’t find it. It’s a decent size so I knew where it could “hide” and where it couldn’t. So yes, wasted time, or so I thought.
As I was taking the time to sort the bags large and small, because I might as well get something productive out of the task, my gaze landed on a nearby cat crate. From that particular floor angle, I could see my tablet in its box, partially covered by a blanket.
Had I not followed the nudge to take everything out of that cabinet, ignoring the thoughts about wasting time, I’m not sure my eyes would've landed on this crate in just the right way. I pass this crate several times a day and
always see the blanket on top of it, but I've missed the tablet box hiding under the blanket. From where I had piled up all the bags on the floor, I couldn’t miss it. (And now the cabinet is extra straightened out too and move-ready.)
A bigger example regarding the benefit of “wasted time” has been evident in the twists and turns of my professional endeavors. I have a marketing degree and years of sales experience. When disability ended that, I accidentally became a professional photographer, and took a few years of courses to help me become proficient in Photoshop.
Now, as an artist, author, coach and speaker, my sales and marketing experience is invaluable to getting my work out there. My Photoshop experience helps me do a lot of my own branding and promotions, or at least helps me create a good mock up for graphic designers to complete the work. I never expected to be a photographer or an artist, but
everything I’ve ever done professionally seems to serve the next thing, too.
Nothing is wasted. No time is wasted. Life is like a big pot of soup and everything we experience contributes to the fullness and flavor. We may
only need an eighth of a teaspoon of an ingredient which seems nominal, but the soup wouldn’t be the same without it.
Sometimes we may gather the ingredients for our best soup years in advance, before we recognize why
each item was essential to the stew. A therapist told me once that relationships are built wasting time together. Perhaps it’s true in all areas of life? That the times that feel wasted may be where the biggest breakthroughs come from?
Are you in a season where it seems like you’re not going to reach your desired destination? Do you often feel like you’re floundering and not making progress on the things that really matter? Step back and take a birds’ eye view of your situation. How could what your going through contribute to the delicious life stew you’re making?
Even without any potentially positive explanation for life the way it is today, wouldn’t it feel better to trust that there is purpose in the pain, as they say? Wouldn’t it feel better to believe that, rather than seeing this season of life as meaningless?
We never know when the moment of breakthrough will happen. Most things aren’t accomplished without a few key invitations to give up and quit. How bad do you want it? Many times, all it takes to get to the good stuff is to hang in there and take the next step. Just before their big breakthroughs, consider
that all the greats in the world may have had just as much reason to be as discouraged as you feel right now. But they kept going. and so will you!
Stay the course, do what’s in front of you, and never give up. Do the
next right thing and trust that your miracle is unfolding too. That breakthrough is happening for you right now, even as you read this. Tell yourself that this is true and watch your spirit respond with enthusiasm, more encouraged for the journey.
We choose our thoughts about our experiences so today, choose to believe the present story has a good ending!
PS. If there's something you've been wanting to do but just haven't been
able to start, Micro Magic might help. This happens once a year. See the link below. The registration for the January group will open soon.