While doing a nature meditation on my deck this morning, I noticed a long narrow strip of cloud above me, bordering a portion of my roof. Staring intently, I could see the cloud was moving to the left at a steady
If there’s any doubt that things in our lives are moving and we’re never really stuck, all we have to do is look up at the sky for encouragement. Without fanfare and only occasionally detected by us, clouds are moving steadily across the sky. We don’t make that happen; it’s totally out of our control.
If everything above us is shifting, which we can see with our own eyes, we can be inspired to trust that the circumstances in our lives are experiencing shift also. And this occurs without us managing, planning, or monitoring to “make it happen.”
I’m really glad change isn’t up to me. I
wouldn’t have chosen some of the paths that have led to many of the greatest gifts in my life.
We don’t have to watch a clock to understand that time is passing. What if we could imagine our gifts are being worked out in advance for us every single minute of the day, every week, month and year, even during the moments when it doesn’t seem like anything is happening?
What if our gifts are on a spiritual assembly line that operates twenty-four hours a day? We can trust that every second of every day is being utilized for our favor and that time will reveal gifts we cannot even fathom.
I heard a great definition of faith last week. Faith is living without scheming. I tried to trace who to credit the statement to, but I learned it’s
biblical in nature. (Ecclesiastes 7:29)
Don’t let me lose you if you consider yourself non-religious. Truth is truth and faith is a universal description for choosing to trust in what we cannot see or explain. Faith is a special invitation to
surrender and trust when we feel stuck and are lacking hope because none of our plans appear to be working out.
If we’re worn out all the time, we may want to consider how much of our time and energy are spent trying to figure everything out. Because scheming is exhausting. Trust feels better.
Faith is a decision, a choice. We can choose to accept life is on our side (because it is).
Everything is falling into place for the next chapter of our lives. The breakthroughs we’ve been longing for have already begun! We don’t have to see it to believe it. As long as we’ve taken the actions that are ours to take, we can let go and let life unfold at just the right time.
This morning, I watched the narrow strip of cloud
move a good distance across the sky in a short period of time. I will trust today that all things are aligning for my good, especially when I cannot see it. I know this is true for you, too.