Watch this video for today's lesson.
Blog writing day was fast approaching, and I had no topic. I had every confidence if I took myself for a walk, I would see something worth sharing about. An expectant attitude taken into any endeavor will yield fruit. It may not always be the fruit we seek, but it will be the fruit we need.
Immediately, I noticed the fast pace of some of the clouds, while others weren’t appearing to move at all. (See video!) I knew the lesson was here, but I had to observe it a while for the message to crystallize for me. (Yes, I’m that person trying to walk and
not trip while looking at the clouds.) Sometimes we have to stare at patterns before we get the message and can use that information for insight, and when it’s warranted, change. Several gems eventually landed.
First, we
can focus on the things that are moving in our lives, or the things that are not. Too often, my attention is fixed on where I feel stuck to the degree that I ignore what is flowing well, and I end up grateful for neither one.
In each instance, a gift awaits me. Where there is movement, the gift is more evident. Where I feel stagnant, the gift is still “on the way.” I am being developed to better receive it. When have I ever been permanently stuck? Never. I’m sure that’s true for you also. Something always gives way. This time will be no different.
Secondly, what must it be like for the “fixed” clouds to watch the moving ones sweep right past them? That probably feels about the same as when I watch other people have progress in areas I seek. Progress seems to come so easy for them, in the very places where I feel stuck.
Compare and despair. It never feels good to assign my hopes and dreams to the timing I see in someone else’s life. I have no idea how long they waited for the goodness they are experiencing, and I don’t know what they had to overcome internally or externally for that movement to happen.
But I do know that every ounce of energy I give to feeling envious about someone else’s path is taking away from the energy I can be applying on my own journey, and the next action I need to be taking. I may be having movement in areas that other people
covet. We all have wonderful gifts greeting us on our journey at just the right time.
Investing energy in a place of non-acceptance ensures that reasons for non-acceptance will continue—that conditions will line up for
more non-acceptance to prevail. Non-acceptance keeps the doors to the future locked. Acceptance unlocks the doors, so that movement can enter our visible realm of circumstances.
Real joy comes in the acceptance of our
life exactly the way it is. Our joy cannot be dependent solely on mountaintop experiences, when we spend most of our time in the pursuit of those desired moments.
Take stock today in the areas where you are experiencing
flow. Name them. Celebrate them. You probably have been waiting a while to see those come to fruition. Don’t let what’s not moving steal your attention away from what is worth celebrating.
Now name the things that aren’t
moving. Ask, What is my lesson here? What needs to happen before this can move? What can I learn now? How am I being prepared for when this does start to transition?
Say a prayer asking to be shown everything
you need to learn during this season of stillness. And then express gratitude for everything exactly the way it is (and the way it isn’t). Give thanks, saying:
I’m so thankful for the opportunity to grow through
this season of rest and incubation. I’m thankful for all that is happening that I can’t yet see. I know that what I see for my life is based on an incomplete picture, but that what is working out for me will be greater than anything I can see or imagine right now.
We are all experiencing movement and stillness simultaneously. Let’s be grateful for what is getting traction and moving us closer to our hopes, goals, and dreams. In those areas where we see no visible movement, gratitude and acceptance will bring about the shift we seek.
The secret sauce for today is gratitude and acceptance, PLUS action where it’s appropriate, AND surrender where it’s not. Yes, you can borrow my recipe. Let’s do this.