Hey !
I promised on Tuesday that you would hear from me today with a big announcement, so here I am in your inbox again.
Did you
see the crazy picture of me that was posted on Facebook and Instagram yesterday? If so, you already know I've been working hard to figure out how to take this great idea that came to me, MONDAY, and transform it into my first virtual group event ever.
Have I been freaking out? Nahh, okay yes, a little. (A lot.) Turns out there are a
lot of moving parts to doing something like this. I've learned so much.
My friends are all asking me, what's this about? Where did this come from?
So I'm going to give you the
whole, embarassing truth.
Next week.
I tried. I really did try to have it ready by today but alas, it's just not there yet. Maybe it was a little crazy to promise something so big,
so quick. But it's close and I'm so excited to finish and share it with you.
I could pull an all-nigher to get it to you by midnight, technically keeping my commitment, but that's not how I choose to live life anymore. Workaholism isn't what it's cut out to be.
We make our plans, but we also have to be flexible and give ourselves grace when things take longer than we intended. Whew, that's taken me a little while to realize.
The truth is, I might still be tempted to cram all night to make it happen, but
I have tickets to see Beth Inglish speak tonight. She's a fellow artist/speaker who has overcome a lot and I can't wait to see her one-woman show.
In fact, Beth is the reason I made myself take a stand-up comedy class in 2020. She promised it would make me fearless as a speaker and in life in general. And it did. I was absent of fear the minute my final stand-up routine was done! ; )
Did you miss
that email? Click here. Anyway, I promised Beth and another friend that I would be there, so I'm not going to let them down to stay home and work on this. I know you understand.
I promise it will be worth the wait! As I write what it's about, it's becoming way more self-revealing than I ever intended. But maybe that's a good thing. We'll see how much survives the final edits, but here's one small teaser:
let me cut to the chase. I heard a phrase about fifteen months ago that changed my life. And that's saying a lot. I have been an avid student of personal development and spirituality for decades. I've spent a small fortune on therapy and yet, this "stuckness" continued to plaque me daily. I have felt like such a fraud.
That's it!
That's all you get tonight. I promise I'll keep working on it and if you struggle with any kind of stuckness, or inability to do the things you say you want to do, it's going to be worth the wait.
Enjoy your evening and your weekend. You'll hear from me next Tuesday at our normal time for sure.