You've (almost) made it! What a wonderful 22 days together we have shared. Thanks again for your willingness to participate in my pilot program for Micro Magic. I have learned a lot and have so enjoyed seeing the momentum you've built. My hope is you'll take these
practices and continue tackling your mountains one micro step at a time.
The Micro Magic feedback form is open now. Please take five minutes right now to fill out the anonymous survey, which is multiple choice and short answer, so it's very quick. Do it and it's done. Free up your mind and energy for other things.
One trick to beat procrastination that I have not shared with you is to complete quick tasks as they first cross your path. The effort it takes to put things off uses up valuable mental energy and then it takes more time to see them again later, only to spend more time contemplating doing or not doing them again. It feels so good to JUST DO IT and be done with it. Thanks in advance for following through on
this timely commitment! The survey is HERE.
Wednesday is the last day for check-ins with feedback, but TUESDAY night is our final Zoom wrap-up and celebration. I have something special for each of you so don't miss it!
Topic: Micro Magic Zoom Meeting
Time: TUESDAY NIGHT Nov 29, 2022 6:30 PM Central Time (7:30 PM EST)
The Zoom room will be open five minutes early. Out of consideration for all group members, please be ready to start on time.
Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 882 0163 7751
Passcode: 823526
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