Have you ever had a favorite pair of shoes that suddenly become uncomfortable? Nike makes a particular running shoe I have loved—I've had three pairs. When I wore the first pair out, I bought two
more in different colors so I could switch between outfits. This model has been my main athletic shoes for at least five years.
Last January, or maybe even before, my feet started feeling sore after wearing them. I
thought something was wrong with my feet. This discomfort continued each time I wore them, but I kept hoping that whatever was happening in my body was temporary.
For several months, I questioned if my sore feet were
connected to when I wore those shoes. I didn’t want that to be true, because I loved the shoes so much and they were still fairly new. I couldn't wrap my head around how it could be that at one time they were wonderful, and now, they no longer seemed to be right for me. Eventually, I could no longer deny reality. These shoes were hurting my feet!
I finally broke down and bought some different shoes and they are wonderful. I wore them non-stop on my recent, spontaneous backpacking trip through Norway with my son. (Missed that story or want to go back and see my new shoes, ha ha?! CLICK HERE) We hiked and walked a ton and I had no problem with my feet, which told me for sure it was the other shoes. After two more months of the former ones taking up space in my closet, last week I finally donated both remaining pairs. They were still in great condition, just no longer right for me.
We can outgrow things that at one point served us well. Jobs, friendships, mentors, where we live, churches, and social groups, even opinions may need to change as we change. If we hang on to what is no longer serving us, we
will experience discomfort and our growth will be limited. Life will give us regular reminders that WE have changed and need something different at this point in our lives.
When shoes are brand new, they work great, but
the materials ultimately begin to break down and don’t provide the same level of support they did in the beginning. It happens with shoes, and can happen with our perspectives, circumstances, and even the people we have surrounded ourselves with. It doesn't make us or anyone else bad or wrong, it means life has taken us in a different direction.
Celebrate your evolution and cycles of growth. Congratulate yourself for knowing when something no longer works for you. Embrace the awareness when there’s a need for something different. Love yourself enough to let the old go and welcome the new. Find your new favorites and wear them well.
I am excited for those of you who decided that procrastination in some area of your life no longer feels tolerable. We will apply Micro Magic
to it and I can’t wait to witness your momentum and transformation. If you were intrigued, but opted not to participate, stay tuned for future updates about how this first session goes and dates when I may be offering it again. We have a very special group of people that will have exciting testimonials to share.
For today, what in your life have you outgrown? Let it go. Let them go. Make space for what can better meet your needs now. De-cluttering isn't just for closets and attics. It's a necessary physical, spiritual, and emotional activity. Make room today for tomorrow’s gifts.