Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until It becomes a memory. ~Theodor Seuss Giesel
Today I took a deep inhale of the only bloom on my neighbor’s magnolia tree during my morning rounds. Actually I took several good whiffs, trying to take in as much as I could hold before resuming my walk.
Returning back to the sidewalk, my mind was ready to jump to other things. Then I noticed on my next inhale that I could still smell the sweet magnolia scent. I thought, Oh, there’s more!
During the next several breaths, I continued to enjoy the fragrance. Ooh, what an unexpected gift! In all my years of smelling flowers, I have never paid attention to that happening before. Perhaps I am too quick to jump to the next thing and I’ve been missing out all this time?
Where else am I short-changing my gifts and not receiving everything that life has to offer me? How often am I rushing into the next thing, when there is still more juice to be squeezed out of the present moment?
This is a result of going too fast. I was told years ago that it’s my speed that gets me into trouble. I will take this as a reminder today to slow down and not rush conclusions—to let something be over when it’s over, instead of rushing the ending, so eager to start a new beginning, or simply just move on.
I assumed since I was physically done smelling the flower that I was done smelling the flower, but life surprised me. I want to take each step with an open mind, instead of thinking I can predict what will transpire.
Luxury to me is not about buying expensive things; it's about living in a way where you appreciate things. ~Oscar de la Rente
Mindfulness allows us to discover what is already wonderful—right here, right now—and savor each moment’s gifts while they last. Today I hope we can also remember not to cut our gifts short. Let’s be expectant of what life holds for us to discover, today and always.