Just three flights beyond our comfort zone, and with a willingness to be curious, we discovered a whole new world that went on for blocks. Our perspective was lifted, literally. We elevated from street-level city life to a lush green, carefully-tended, garden paradise winding through breath-taking buildings. We would have missed all of it had we not said yes to the detour that presented itself.
Questions for you:
Do you give up easily, at the first sign of challenge, or do you come up with Plan B?
How spontaneous are you? Do you need to be intentional about saying Yes more often, when you would normally say No?
What transformation might be just a few steps away from you?
What signs are calling to you to up-shift your path?
What intentional detour could take you where you want to go, but in a more delightful way?
Where are you feeling called to go, but experiencing resistance? Is it possible the reward will be greater than the risk you see from your present angle?
Let yourself dream about your future, maybe even about travel specifically. Name where you want to go. Tell others. (Read about the painting of the week below entitled Manhattan, and the timeline of when and how that came to be. What?! Never underestimate the power of your thoughts and words.)
Be persistent. Even when things don't seem to be going your way, or plans are caving in, be open to another way.
Ask something ludicrous every single day. You will get a lot of No's, but occasionally you will hear YES.
Be spontaneous when it's tempting to stay comfortable.
Practice saying YES when fear and uncertainty would have you say the familiar answer of No. Sometimes No has been our answer for so long that it's become a habit. If that's you, next time pause and mentally try on a Yes before giving any answer.
Pay attention to the signs (literally and spiritually) that are inviting you to paths of higher living and unique experiences. The end destination may not change, but why not take the scenic route when you feel that inner prompting?
Remember, we don't know everything and we can't always tell what something might be like by the looks of it from a distance. Sometimes we just have to rise up and do it.
Today, may you be filled with the courage to name what you want and the willingness to pursue an adventurous, bold life.